Der Fechter von Ravenna
Andre titler: Der Fechter von Ravenna
Dato oprettet: 1923-10-29
Beskrivelse: The film "Der Fechter von Ravenna" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
Nøgleord: Filmprüfstelle Berlin
Proveniens: Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF
Udbyder: Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF
Language: de
Dokumenttype: Censorship document
Related Names
- Climati, Arturo | Camera operator
- Dolci, Mario | Camera operator
- Pennelli, Aldo | Camera operator
- Saitto, Ugo | Camera operator
- Belloni, Giuseppe | Aerial photographer
- Manfredi comm. | Aerial photographer
- Gervasio, Raffaele | Music arranger
- Notari, Guido | Voice
- Musu, Raimondo | Production coordinator